
Thomas W. Kellerman

March 31, 2009


Mr. Jeffrey P. Riedler
Assistant Director
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
Facsimile Number: 202.772.9217

Dear Mr. Riedler:

On behalf of Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. (the "Company"), we respectfully submit this letter in response to the comments from the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") contained in your letter to Douglas Faggioli at the Company, dated March 11, 2009 (the "Comment Letter"), with respect to the Company's Registration Statement on Form 10-12G, filed with the Commission on February 12, 2009 (the "Form 10-12G"). The numbered paragraphs set forth below restate the numbered paragraphs in the Comment Letter, and the discussion set out below each such paragraph is the Company's response to the Staff's comments.

Concurrently with this response letter, the Company is filing an amended Form 10-12G. Where indicated below, the Company has included changes to the respective disclosures in the amended Form 10-12G in response to the Staff's comments with page references to the applicable sections of the amended Form 10-12G. For the convenience of the Staff, we are also sending three (3) marked copies of the amended Form 10-12G under separate cover, which have been marked to show changes from the Form 10-12G as filed on February 12, 2009.

On March 20, 2009, the Company filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008. In addition to providing responses to the Staff's comments, we advise the Staff that the Company has updated its disclosures in the amended Form 10-12G to provide, among other things, the Company's audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 and audited financial information as of and for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004. All relevant disclosures have been updated accordingly.


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Please note that where we provide examples to illustrate what we mean by our comments, they are examples and not exhaustive lists. If our comments are applicable to portions of filings that we have not cited as examples, make the appropriate changes in accordance with our comments.
Please note that the Form 10 goes effective by lapse of time within 60 days of the date filed pursuant to Exchange Act Section 12(g)(1). Please be aware that the effectiveness of your Form 10 will commence your periodic reporting obligations under the Exchange Act even if all of our comments have not yet been resolved.

Explanatory Note, page 1

Please expand your disclosure to describe the "potential violations of law" outlined in the Preliminary Report.
You state that the Preliminary Report recommended the termination of certain employees and senior officers, including the termination of Mr. Douglas Faggioli. We also note that KPMG's resignation was, in part, due to the fact that the Board of Directors did not terminate Mr. Faggioli. Please expand your disclosure to describe the reasons why the Board of Directors determined not to terminate Mr. Faggioli despite the recommendation in the Preliminary Report.

Item 1A. Risk Factors, page 11

Please delete the statement that reads "In addition, you should keep in mind that the risks described below are not the only risks that we face." It is not appropriate to refer to other risks that are not disclosed.

If we are unable to attract and retain independent Distributors..., page 14

Please expand your risk factor to quantify the rate of turnover among Distributors.

Changes in key management, page 18

The heading for this risk factor does not adequately describe the risk. Please revise the heading accordingly.

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Please expand your risk factor to state whether you have employment agreements with your executive officers and whether you carry key man insurance.

Item 2. Financial Information

Selected Financial Data, page 18

You do not include the Income Statement Data for the year ended December 31, 2003. If you wish to request a waiver of the requirement to provide this financial statement information required under Item 301 of Regulation S-K, please submit this request directly to the Office of Chief Accountant for the Division of Corporation Finance, indicating why you believe this requirement is unreasonable under the circumstances. In addition, please tell us and disclose how you were able to get comfortable with your year end December 31, 2003 Balance Sheet Data given that you did not restate your 2003 financial information.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

Revenue Recognition, page 21

Please disclose your policy for sales returns and the amount of any sales return reserve. In addition, please disclose whether the volume incentive is established at the same time of the product sale, how the amount is calculated and if there have been any changes to the amount of initial incentive established.

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Income Taxes. pages 26 and 29

Your disclosure merely recites amounts from the rate reconciliation in the notes to the financial statements. Revise the disclosure to explain the underlying reason for each amount. The disclosure should explain why recognition in the current year was appropriate and why recognition in a prior year was not required. Quantify amounts related to prior years and tax audits. You should also explain fully why income tax expense was greater than income before income taxes in 2008, 2007 and 2006. The disclosure should allow a reader to determine which items are continuing and which items are non-recurring.
Expand the disclosure to explain why non-income tax contingencies increased the effective income tax rate in 2006.

Contractual Obligations, page 34

Please revise your table of contractual obligations to include your self-insurance liabilities.

Internal Control Matters, page 41

In accordance with Item 308 of Regulation S-K, please include a management report on your internal control over financial reporting.

Item 4. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management, page 46

Please update the beneficial ownership table to the latest practicable date.

Item 5. Directors and Executive Officers, page 48

Supplementally, please confirm that the only family relationship between officers and directors is the relationship between Kristine F. Hughes and Eugene L. Hughes.

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Board Composition and Election, page 50

We note that the terms for three of your directors were originally set to expire in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Since you did not hold annual meetings in those years, please revise your disclosure to indicate whether all of those directors will be up for re-election at the next annual meeting or, in the alternative, when each of them will be up for re-election. Similarly, please disclose the terms for Messrs. Bowen and Deppe.

Item 6. Executive Compensation, page 51

Please disclose the information required by Item 407(e)(4) of Regulation S-K.

Compensation Discussion and Analysis, page 51

Compensation Policy for Executive Officers. page 51

We note that in setting executive officer compensation, the Compensation Committee and Mr. Faggioli review the Executive Compensation Report, which compares the company's executive compensation practices against data in compensation surveys, such as Watson Wyatt's Top Management Compensation Survey and Mercer's Executive Compensation Survey for 2007-8. Please clarify which subset of companies or industries within those compensation surveys were used for comparisons.

Elements of Compensation, page 52

You describe how the base salary and incentive compensation of each executive officer are targeted to market rates and that the 2008 base salaries for your officers were approximately 18% below the base salaries of officers at companies in your local market. Please identify the market to which you refer, the parameters used to define the market and name the companies in your local market used to determine that your officers' 2008 base salaries were 18% lower than market.

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Please expand your disclosure to identify for each named executive officer the 2008 pre-established performance goals and whether each of the pre-established performance goals was attained.
Please explain the Compensation Committee's rationale for its incentive compensation award to Mr. Faggioli for 2008 and discuss how this award reflects the level of performance attained by Mr. Faggioli in relation to the pre-established goals set for him.
We note that Mr. Faggioli has sole discretion to increase or decrease bonuses for Messrs. Bunker, DeWyze, Halliday, Jarvis and Yates. Please disclose whether Mr. Faggioli exercised his discretion to change the 2008 bonus for any of these executives and, if applicable, his rationale for doing so.

Summary Compensation Table, page 55

Please update your summary compensation table to disclose 2008 bonus amounts.
Please disclose for each of your named executive officers the change in nonqualified deferred compensation earnings. If the change in value is negative, it should be disclosed by footnote but should not be reflected in the total reported in column (j). See Instruction 3 to Item 402(c)(2)(viii).

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Director Compensation, page 59

Please disclose the change in nonqualified deferred compensation earnings for Mr. Hughes.
We note that the total compensation paid to Mses. Hughes and Francis is significantly different from the total compensation paid to Messrs. Bowen and Deppe. Please expand your disclosure to explain the reason for the differences in the directors' compensation arrangements.

Note 8 Income Taxes, page 84

Please explain the difference between "foreign taxes" and "foreign tax rate differential" in the reconciliation from the statutory income tax rate to the effective income tax rate.

Signatures, page 121

We note that the conformed signature for the Form 10 reads "Douglas Saggioli." Please correct the conformed signature in your amended Form 10 to read "Douglas Faggioli" instead.

On behalf of the Company, we hereby acknowledge that:

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We hope you find that our responses have adequately addressed the concerns you raised in the Comment Letter. If you should require any additional information in connection with our responses, please feel free to contact the undersigned at (650) 843-7550.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Thomas W. Kellerman

Thomas W. Kellerman

Douglas Faggioli
President and Chief Executive Officer
Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
75 East 1700 South
Provo, Utah 84606